Friday 16 August 2013

How to Reduce Stress

  1. 1
    Identify the causes of your stress. Before you can move forward, you need to be able to identify the causes of your stress. Take some time to be alone, get out a notepad, and list all of the things that are making you stressed. Once you have a better sense of what is causing your pain, you can begin to make changes that will improve your life.

    • First, look for root causes of your stress. You may think you're stressed because of your low salary, but the real root cause may be that you don't like your job and don't know what career path to pursue in your life.
    • Take a look at your relationships. Are the relationships in your life helping you be a better person and to cope with problems, or causing more harm than good?
    • See if you're stressed because of situation or if you're in a permanent state of stress. If you're stressed because you can't stand your roommates, then it's different from always being in a vague stressed state from morning until night.
    • If it helps, write down your thoughts in a journal. See if this helps you identify any of the causes of your stress.
  2. 2
    Make a game plan to reduce the stress in your life. You won't be able to reduce stress if you're not methodical about it. If you're really determined to eliminate the stress in your life, then you have to make a list of all the things you can actually control and make more pleasant, and take action to have a more relaxed mental and physical state on a regular basis. Here's what to do:

    • Plug relaxation into your schedule. Make time to relax for at least an hour each day, especially in the morning and in the evening before bed. Write it into your planner.
    • Vow to eliminate as many sources of stress as you can. Write down the people and situations in your life that bring you the most stress and find a way to spend less time with them.
    • Declutter your schedule. One reason that many people are stressed is because they feel overcommitted and like they don't have enough time to pursue their interests or spend time with their loved ones. See if you can find a way to free up just a few hours each week.
    • Recognize that you can't control everything. There will always be stressful elements in your life, but you can minimize the stress in your life by eliminating what you can and learning to deal with the rest.
  3. 3
    Reflect with the help of others. You don't have to deal with your stress alone. You'll feel much better if you open up to a friend, family member, or even a professional about how stressed you're feeling. If you share your feelings, you'll also be able to get some helpful feedback as well as a fresh perspective on your problems.

    • Talk to a close friend about your attempts to reduce stress. It's likely that your friend has also had to cope with stress, so you'll not only be able to open up, but you'll gain some insight as well.
    • Open up to a family member. Your family should be there no matter what -- even if you feel like a big ball of stress.
    • Know when to get help. If you constantly feel completely overwhelmed by every aspect of your life and unprepared to deal with it, then you may benefit from seeing a health professional. If you're so stressed that you can barely sleep, eat, or think straight, it's time to seek help.

Minimize the Stress in Your Life

  1. 1
    Address stressful situations. Part of the reason that you're stressed out may be because you're having problems on the professional or personal front, and you're avoiding dealing with them. Avoiding your problems will only make things worse, and you'll feel better if you address stressful situations instead of sitting around and waiting for things that get worse.

    • Address any stressful situations in the workplace. If you feel overworked or undervalued, talk to your boss about it in a calm and reasonable matter. If you feel that you're over committed at work, find a way to do half an hour less of work a day.
    • Address any romantic relationships that are causing you stress. If you're stressed out because you're not sure where things are going with your significant other, it's better to start a conversation than waiting around to see what happens.
    • If you're having trouble with a friend, have an honest talk about it. If a situation with your friend is causing you great stress, say something and see if you can find a resolution instead of stewing.
    • If you're stressed at the thought of an upcoming trip, try to hammer out the details as early as you can so there are no x-factors.
    • If you're stressed out because you have a health problem but don't know how serious it is, it's time to see a doctor.
    • If you're stressed out because you're having car trouble or your roof keeps leaking, get help from a professional instead of worrying about it.
    • Make a to-do list of the little things that are nagging you, from needing to change your oil to making a dentist's appointment, and see how many you can get done in a month.
  2. 2
    Minimize your interactions with people who stress you out. If someone in your life is stressing you out constantly, then you're probably better off without that person. Of course, you may not be able to cut off a stress-inducing coworker, but you can certainly try to minimize your interactions with people who stress you out on a daily basis.

    • Dump the toxic friend. If you have a friend who provides you with nothing but pain and drama, it may be time to cut that friend out of your life. This is guaranteed to make your social interactions less stressful.
    • Try to spend less time with stress-inducing co-workers. Though you obviously can't duck under your desk every time that coworker who always makes you worried comes by, you can try to adjust your schedule and routine slightly so you don't run into that person as often.
    • Spend less time with negative people overall. Negativity breeds stress, so try to minimize your contact with all of the negative people in your life.
    • Seek out more positive people. Counteract those stress-inducing friends with passionate people who are excited about life and can make you feel better about your circumstances.
  3. 3
    Minimize the stressful situations in your life. Though you can't eliminate every situation that causes you stress, there are a few simple things you can do to minimize the situations that cause you stress on a regular basis. Here are a few tips:

    • Make your commute more pleasant. Traffic is a leading cause of stress for many people. Try leaving for work a bit earlier or leaving a bit later to beat or miss the rush. Play relaxing music or calming tapes in your car so the driving experience is less painful.
    • Don't say yes to invitations if they'll only stress you out. If your friend is always throwing parties that are crowded and cause you anxiety, skip out on the next one.
    • Don't rush. If you give yourself plenty of time to get ready for an event, whether it's a wedding or just a weekend brunch, you'll feel less stressed when you get there.
    • If you know that you'll be hanging out with friends or family members who just don't get along, try to avoid the situation all together if you can. If you're obligated to attend the event, try to steer clear of the sources of conflict, and you'll feel less stressed.
    • Try not to host a party or a dinner party for a while. Anything you have to prepare for to that extent will only give you more stress.
  4. 4
    Minimize the stress in your life by learning to deal with it. Eliminating stress where you can is a very helpful tool, but being able to deal with imperfect situations is even better. Here are a few practical ways of dealing with stressful situations:

    • Think before you speak. If you find yourself in the middle of a conflict, take a deep breath and plan out what you're going to say before you blurt out something you'll regret later.
    • Remember that it's better to be happy than to be right. Instead of telling your friends or coworkers exactly what they did wrong, hold your tongue and you'll feel better and more mature.
    • Remember that other people are stressed, too. Taking the time to see that you're not the only person dealing with a large amount of stress will make you feel more kind toward others and less likely to get into a conflict.
    • Don't be passive-aggressive. If something is stressing you out, like unresolved plans, talk about it instead of holding your anger and uncertainty inside.

Relax Your Body

  1. 1
    Exercise. Just 30 to 45 minutes of exercise every other day can make you feel much healthier and in control of your own life. If your body feels energized and powerful, then you'll be less stressed and will have more control over your own life. Here are some great ways to exercise:

    • Join a pool and swim a mile every other day. Immersing yourself in water will make you feel stronger and will wash away any of your stressful thoughts.
    • Take up running. If you really love it and have a goal of running a 5K or 10K, you will feel more capable of tackling challenges.
    • Take a yoga class. Yoga is not only great for you physically, but it will help you meditate and be in control of your mind and breathing.
    • Join a team sport, like bowling, volleyball, or softball. You'll be able to laugh while making friends and getting a great workout.
    • Take up hiking. You'll feel less stressed if you spend more time in nature.
  2. 2
    Meditate. Meditating for just 20 minutes a day can reduce your stress greatly. All you have to do is find a comfortable seat in a quiet place, put your hands in a comfortable position, close your eyes, and focus on your breathing. Mediate right after you wake up, to cool down before bed, or even both times.

    • Be aware. Focus on being present in your body, and notice every breath and small ache you feel.
    • Relax every part of your body when you meditate.
    • Work on clearing your mind of any negative or stressful thoughts.
  3. 3
    Get a massage. A massage is a great way to relax and to minimize the pain you may feel after a long day of work or school. You can give yourself a massage by massaging your neck, forearms, and palms, ask a friend to give you a massage, or even go to a professional masseuse.

    • A professional masseuse can be pricey, but well worth it. A masseuse will literally be able to knead some of the stress out of your body.
    • Massaging is also great foreplay. If you have a willing significant other, ask him to massage your feet or back, and see where it takes you.
  4. 4
    Eat well. Maintaining the right diet is the key to reducing stress. You may be stressed because you're overdosing on caffeine or eating way too many sweets or salty foods without even noticing it. If you want to reduce the stress in your life, then you should pay particular attention to your diet. Here's how to do it:

    • Eat three balanced meals a day. Taking the time to enjoy your breakfast, lunch, and dinner, and not skipping meals no matter how busy or stressed you are will help stabilize your routine and give you more energy.
    • Eat a healthy breakfast. Breakfast really is the most important meal of the day, so take the time to eat healthy carbs like oatmeal, proteins like lean turkey or ham, and a healthy portion of fruits and vegetables.
    • Make time for healthy snacks throughout the day. Carry an apple, banana, or bag of almonds with you so you snack on these instead of something that makes you feel unhealthy and tired in a pinch.
    • Minimize your caffeine intake. Caffeine may give you a temporary boost of energy, but it will also make you agitated and anxious. Try to cut down from a few cups of coffee a day to just one, or to eliminate the caffeine in your life all together. Remember that it's easier to wean yourself off caffeine than to stop cold turkey, or you will feel a painful hangover effect.
  5. 5
    Improve your sleep schedule. Improving your sleep schedule will go a long way in helping you reduce stress. Most people should get 7-9 hours of sleep a day to get a healthy night's sleep and to be able to deal with their daily lives as adequately as possible. Sleeping too much or not enough can make you feel groggy and unable to deal with your responsibilities. Here's how to make sure you sleep well:

    • Try to get the same amount of sleep every night. Don't sleep five hours a day during the week and then sleep ten hours a day on weekends, or you will feel even more unbalanced and tired.
    • Go to bed and wake up around the same time every day. This will make your routine even more regular, and will make it easier for you to go to bed and wake up.
    • Spend an hour decompressing in bed before you actually go to sleep. Read or listen to calming music, or write in your journal. Don't watch TV or get in an intense conversation, or it will be harder to shut your mind off when the time comes.

Relax Your Mind

  1. 1
    Read. Reading is a great way to calm your mind and to gain knowledge. It's also a wonderful way to wake up your mind in the morning and to help yourself fall asleep at night. Whether you're reading historical fiction or a steamy romance, being absorbed in another world will help you relax your mind and stop stressing about your own life.

    • If it helps, you can read with calming classical music in the background before you go to bed.
    • Keep a good light source nearby, but dim the lights around you as you read to make yourself more calm and ease yourself to sleep.
    • Don't read books with an overly gruesome or stressful content, or you'll only feel worse.
    • Join a book club. This is a great way to encourage yourself to read and to make friends in the process.
  2. 2
    Laugh more. Laughing has been proven to reduce stress, and the more you laugh, the more likely you'll be to become a positive thinker and to take more pleasure in your everyday interactions. Here are some great ways to laugh more:

    • Spend more time around people who crack you up. Maybe you don't know a girl in your social circle who is always making you laugh -- try to get to know her better.
    • Watch a comedy or even a stand-up comic.
    • Play charades or silly board games with your friends.
    • Play dress up with your friends. This is a guaranteed way to giggle.
  3. 3
    Spend more time with friends. Spending more time with your friends will make you feel more loved and appreciated, and will make you feel less alone in your battle to fight stress. Though your schedule may be packed, you could always make time to grab a coffee or a drink with a close friend or even an acquaintance. Here are some things you can do:

    • Schedule a weekly guys' or girls' night. You'll have a great time hanging out with your pals and can even explore a new restaurant or bar together every week.
    • Take a dance class with a friend. This is a great way to get some exercise while hanging out.
    • Find a walking buddy. Going on walks is not only great for dealing with stress, but you can strike up a thoughtful conversation with a friend while walking.
    • Make time for one-on-one conversations. Hanging out in groups is great fun, but checking in with a close friend on a solo basis can help build a deeper bond.
  4. 4
    Take a vacation. Though a vacation is not a permanent situation for dealing with stress, taking a vacation can give you a change of environment that you so desperately need. Going on vacation will also help you have a fresh perspective on your situation and can make you appreciate what you have instead of worry about all of the things you can't change.

    • Be bold and travel by yourself. This is truly adventurous, and you may meet some unforgettable people and learn a lot about yourself.
    • Go to a place you've never been with a group of friends, like Lake Tahoe or the Everglades. You'll have fun exploring a new environment together.
    • You can also just take a mini-vacation by taking a three-day weekend and driving to a location just a few hours away. This is still a great way to clear your head.
    • Try to pick a place that will let you be close to nature. Being in a lush forest or on a sandy beach will make you feel more connected with the world and relaxed.
  5. 5
    Organize and clean your space. If you declutter your space, then your life will feel more organized and manageable. Organizing and cleaning your space may take some effort, but the benefits will outweigh the time you spend on getting everything right.

    • First, get rid of all garbage, loose papers, and expired food in your fridge.
    • Next, go through your clothes, dishes, and furniture, and either sell or donate anything that's crowding your space and giving you no use.
    • Organize your desk, closet, dresser, and any other space that is cluttered and messy. Put everything in its place.
    • Clean your floors, wipe your counters, and dust any objects that are looking worn.
    • Have fun while you do this. Invite some friends over for help and plan fun music.
    • Organizing and cleaning is half the battle. Once your home looks organized and sparkling clean, you have to work to maintain it. Spend 10-15 minutes each night throwing out anything you don't need, cleaning, and putting everything back in its place, and your mind will feel more clear.


  1. Stress is a common mental illness. To deal with stress these tips are good. But along with these tips taking supplements for stress can helps to reduce stress completely.

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